This article was written by Australia Counselling member Gemma Summers. Offering an apology to someone is one of the most powerful things we can do to heal rifts and misunderstandings in our relationships. However, it’s quite rare to receive a genuine apology, which is a pity, because it’s an exquisite relational art and social skill;…

Core relationship needs refers to the needs in your relationship that are non-negotiable. It’s important to be aware of what they are because they are ‘deal-breakers’. What this means is if your partner or potential partner can’t meet these core relationship needs, it’s unlikely that your relationship will survive in the long term. Here’s  a…

Your partner has abruptly lost all interest about sex. Or maybe she or he always possessed a decreased sex drive, yet lately, this gap became more pronounced. As your partner isn’t sexually responsive, it’s simple to assume the worst of the situation. If frequency has suddenly deviated from previous levels or your sex drives are…

A healthy, strong relationship could be one of the ideal supports within your life. Great relationships will improve your life within every aspect, strengthening your mind, health and connections with other people. But, it also can be one of the biggest drains if a relationship isn’t working. Successful relationships require an investment. The more you…

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