Before we get started, let’s throw this out there. Languages like ‘men’ and ‘women’ are used repetitively in this text to refer to the masculine and feminine ends of the gender spectrum. We understand that gender has more to do with your self-classification and is not based on societal or biological labels. Still, for context…

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, in the early 1800s, some legal systems accepted wife beating as a husband’s right. After a series of political agitations and the first wave feminist movement, changes were made to the legislation regarding domestic abuse in several countries. Domestic abuse is not limited to husband and wife relationships but also…

Manipulation definition is a psychological term used to describe the action of influencing or controlling something or someone to exploit. From manipulating the position of a thing to skillfully dictating the affairs of another’s life through tactful means for gain; In other words, it can be referred to using a person to one’s advantage. While…

The term “Daddy Issue” has been in use a lot lately and most people using it do not know the actual meaning of the term. It is used mostly as a general term to describe a woman’s relationship and sexual acts, especially when these acts are not relatively acceptable to the opposite sex. For example,…

The practice of “ghosting,” or abruptly leaving someone’s life without any call, email, or text, has become widespread in today’s dating scene as well as in other social and professional contexts. Two research conducted in 2018 found that about 25% of people have experienced ghosting at some point in their lives. With the popularity of…

Love bombing is a way of trying to influence a person by an excessive show of affection and attention. Love bombing can be used positively and negatively, however, psychologists have recognized it as a part or type of abuse that should be totally avoided. What is Love Bombing? There are several healthy and heart-warming ways…

Types of Bullying Bullying is not limited to any geographical location or age group. It could be found in schools, workplaces, within a family, and amongst friends and the common examples of bullying known are: Physical Bullying This involves the use of physical actions to intimidate or take control of a person who is mostly…

We’ve all been hearing about different kind of toxic relationship dynamics and how one partner is treating the other badly, one of the worst kind of these dynamics is Gaslighting, and in this post we shall look at what gaslighting is in depth. First, what does gaslighting mean? What Is Gaslighting? Gaslighting is a kind…

The cycle of abuse is a four-part cycle that helps identify a pattern of abuse in relationships. The cycle continues because there is a power imbalance in a relationship, meaning that one person has a hold on the other. For decades, many experts relied on the cycle outlined in the 1970s by psychologist Lenore Walker…

Sexual abuse is any sexual activity that is unwanted, where a perpetrator uses force or coercion and the victim does not or is not able to give consent. The fall-out from sexual abuse can be so severe and the physical and psychological effects so disturbing, that many people have trouble making any sense of the…