At Australia Counselling we are passionate about mental health. We have over 200 psychotherapists and counsellors on our national directory who are helping Australians every day in their private practices and clinics. But there are also many amazing mental health organisations in Australia that are doing incredible work to reduce the stigma of mental illness and spread accurate and helpful information about mental health issues and promote mental wellness.
So we compiled a list of the top mental health organisations in Australia who are doing their bit to improve the mental health of all Australians. Check out the list below.
1. Mental Health Australia
As we all know, people who are suffering from mental illness are highly disadvantaged and are subject to social stigma. In fact, the stigma of mental illness is one of the remaining prejudices against people who have mental illness.
Mental Health Australia is an organisation that educates the public about mental illness and works in changing the public’s perception about people who are mentally ill to reduce negative stereotypes about mental illness. To find out more, visit their website at
2. Mental Health Foundation of Australia (Victoria) 
The Mental Health Foundation of Australia was established in Victoria over eight decades ago and is the oldest Mental Health Association in Australia. This group supports professionals and patients, as well as the concerned loved ones who are directly affected by mental illness. The group aims to provide education and works with the government to ensure high standards of the practice and training of mental health carers.
Aside from that, they initiate research and make recommendations from the results they have, as to ensure the best implementation of mental health related services. They also support other groups that promote mental health and tear down the negative perception of people with mental illness. To find out more, visit their website at
3. Way Ahead – Mental Health Association NSW
The Mental Health Association NSW (WayAhead) plays an important role in educating the public about mental health. By gaining education and awareness, people can understand some of the issues surrounding the topic of mental health and illness. The organisation strives to break down the barriers of mental health and create a discrimination-free and stigma-free society that also aims for a healthy mind for all the people.
This organisation is also a registered charity that is funded mainly by donations and other private sectors. They do a variety of activities that primarily provides information on mental health, anxiety and health programs. To find out more, visit their website at
4. Drug ARM – Drug Awareness and Relief Foundation Australia
Merging with The Mental Health Association QLD and Australia College of Community Services in 2011, Drug ARM provide specialist care through a range of programs to people and communities affected by alcohol and other drugs. This organisation aims to build strong and resilient youth, improve the lives of adults and support families with skills and knowledge in Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia.
Drug ARM believe that everyone deserves the chance to live a better life and are committed to delivering the highest standard of Awareness, Rehabilitation and Management strategies. Visit their website for access to resources, or to find out more about what they do at
5. Sane Australia 
Sane Australia is an organisation that strives to raise awareness on mental health and create a support group online for people who are suffering from mental illness. They run an online forum and support service. They also collaborate with other mental health groups across the country and provide a helpline advisor if you need help.
This organisation encourages planning ahead for elderly clients whose family members are affected by mental illness. They are partly funded by donations so they can assist those who are mentally ill. Their website is the perfect place to check if anyone needs information and help right away. To find out more, visit their website at
6. Grow 
Grow is a unique organisation that comprises of a few professionals that directly work with people who have mental health problems. The approach Grow uses to address the mental issues of their clients is different from what others use. They initiate their services through mutual help, friendship and support from the community. Grow believes that by using the experiences of an individual in helping a mentally ill patient to recover from a mental ailment is far more effective.
Clients can learn from those who have the same problem as them. In the same way, the personnel will also able to learn more from the client. Grow believes that this process can help both individuals reach their full potential. To find out more, visit their website at
7. Beyond Blue 
Beyondblue is one of the most popular mental health organisations in Australia that provides comprehensive resources related to mental health issues and disorders. They are a non-profit organisation that aims to increase mental health awareness and understanding of depression and anxiety to reduce social stigma.
The organisation envisions that the Australian community will be able to have a greater understanding of depression and anxiety to be able to empower and help those who are affected by it. They believe that mental health disorders do not choose their victims, which inspires beyondblue them to give help and support to all who needs it. To find out more, visit their website at
8. Mind Australia
This is one of the leading providers of mental health services in Victoria and the Southern part of Australia. They are driven to provide support to their clients for them to live independently despite their mental illness and aid these clients to full recovery.
The organisation aims to help people become productive and live purposeful lives. They are focused on giving their clients meaningful and fulfilling life experiences. The recovery from mental health is such a hurdle for these clients that they need all the support they can get – having a diverse approach in tackling mental health issues opens up avenues that are effective for a client to go through. To find out more, visit their website at
9. Head to Health
The Head to Health website is a melting pot of 705 digital mental health resources from Australian organisations ranging from apps, online programs and online forums, to phone, chat and email services and websites. Use the virtual assistant bot SAM to help you navigate the website in a fun and interactive way.
Launched by the Australian Government in 2017, the Head to Health website provides relevant information about different mental health difficulties, what it means to build a meaningful life, supporting yourself and supporting someone else. To find out more or to ask SAM the bot some questions, visit their website at
10. Black Dog Institute
Founded in 2002, the Black Dog Institute was crafted to be at the frontline in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of depression and other mental health related disorder. The organisation relies on research and the expertise of their personnel in delivering the care that is needed for their clients.
They can reach out to those people who have mental health issues more effectively by collaborating with universities, health services and the community around the country. The organisation gets its support from the government and gets generous donations from concerned individuals and the community. Black dog institute is considered one of the leaders in the prevention of mental health disorders. To find out more, visit their website at
11. Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia
MIFA is one of the most renowned membership-based organisations that focuses on caring for individuals who have problems with mental health. The organisation is available all over Australia; they provide different kinds of services for their clients depending on the need and nature of their problems.
Their objective is to assist clients who have mental health issues through their healing process both psychologically and physically. Additionally, they collaborate with the immediate family, carers and friends to hasten the recovery process. Ultimately, MIFA’s goal is to educate and to be an advocate to those who seem to be losing their battle against mental health. To find out more, visit their website at
12. Australian Association for Infant Mental Health 
This is a national organisation governed by professionals from different fields of work who are directly involved with the care and mental well-being of infants together with their family. It is the organisation’s purpose to make known that infancy is the stage where it is very critical for psychosocial development, which can only be achieved by doing research, learning what information is available, become an advocate to individuals who seek solutions for problems and primarily, become a leader in providing mutual support through a network system.
Furthermore, the AAIMHI, in partnership with the local government, continuously provides the necessary seminars and workshops to improve the skills and knowledge of the community about how to care and maintain the optimum mental health of infants and ensure them a brighter and mental illness free future. To find out more, visit their website at
13. Headspace
Headspace is a National Youth Mental Health Foundation in Australia that provides a timely intervention for mental health issues for young kids age 12 to adulthood. This website makes it easy for those individuals who are experiencing mental health issues to seek help and support.
The services that are delivered by headspace cover the essential parts of a person’s daily life activities that have a direct effect on his/her mental and physical functionality. Headspace also provides support for individuals who suffer from alcohol and drug addiction and more importantly, assist individuals to become effective members of the community through a work and study program that will keep the youth from addiction. To find out more, visit their website at
14. Children of Parents with a Mental Illness 
Funded by the Australian Government, Children of Parents with a Mental Illness provides support for children and families where a parent experiences mental illness, and aims to reduce stigma associated with parental mental illness. Kids in these situations may encounter educational, social, behavioural, and developmental challenges and resources are provided to overcome difficulties and enable better outcomes for them. A family focused approach is taken to identify strengths and vulnerabilities and then provide support as required.
Along with resources for parents, their family and friends, in support these children, online training courses are provided for professionals to support families either individually or through community programs and services. COPMI also works with service organisations, community support groups, educators and health care providers. To find out more, visit their website at
15. Embrace Multicultural Mental Health (the Embrace Project)
Embrace Multicultural Mental Health (the Embrace Project) is an organisation that promotes the mental health and suicide prevention of Australia’s CALD population (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse People). Their project builds on the work put in place by the previous MHiMA (Mental Health in Multicultural Australia) and strives for a fair mental health system that includes the needs of Australia’s diverse multicultural population.
They work hand in hand with different government sectors to develop a framework for mental health in multicultural Australia and their core goals include increasing participation, improving outcomes and increasing awareness for people from CALD backgrounds and in CALD communities. As well as improving the diversity of the mental health work force. To find out more, visit their website at
16. Mental Health Carers Australia 
Mental Health Carers Australia is a national advocacy group who advocate for the mental health and wellbeing of mental health carers and their families.
Starting as grassroots organisation called ARAFMI, MHCA’s mission is to be the leading national voice of mental health carers. By listening to carers and their lived experiences, they aim to focus on improving provider and government practices and driving change in communities. To find out more, visit their website at
17. The Mental Health Coalition of South Australia 
The Mental Health Coalition of SA provides a useful summary of the mental health budget of the Australian government. In their report, they presented the state’s current support and costs on mental health within a specific year.
They also have a calendar on their site that you can check out for dates of activities, which you can save to your Google or Outlook calendar. Another cool thing is that they have a website where both the carers and those affected by mental illness can share their experiences and stories. However, they do not offer help or advice for those who are suffering from mental illness. To find out more, visit their website at
18. Lifeline
Lifeline is an Australian charity that aims to save lives, offer support during crisis and stop the increasing number of deaths due to suicide. This group provides a 24/7 information and support services online. If anyone needs help or support, he/she can chat directly to their crisis support.
They also provide downloadable materials that have links to services on different mental health problems. Additionally, they provide financial help to improve mental health services by partnering with MLC foundation.
They also have a hotline (13 11 14) that any struggling Australian can use to call during times of crisis or emergency. To find out more, visit their website at
19. Australian Association of Social Workers 
Australian Association of Social Workers is a body of social workers that creates standards in the practice of social work with over 8500 members. The organisation fights for human rights, justice and social inclusion so every Australian citizen will enjoy a quality of life. The organisation collaborates with other agencies and institutions to improve social well-being and inclusion.
As a group that upholds standards, they monitor the practice and ethical standards of every social worker, facilitate every member’s professional and career development and ensure maintenance of accountability and compliance with the standards. Established in 1964, they now have nine branches and community of the country’s national committees. To find out more, visit their website at
20. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare – Mental Health Services in Australia
Mental Health Services Australia is a web report which paints a picture of how the Australian government’s health and welfare services have responded to the mental health needs of Australian citizens. The report is updated progressively throughout the year to show up to date data.
Mental health affects more than just the individual, it also affects families and communities as a whole and is often associated with social problems like increased poverty, homelessness and unemployment. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, and the MHSA web report provide downloadable help materials, and each topic contains analysis of the most recent mental health data available. To find out more, visit their website at
21. SA Health 
SA Health is a network of services that aims to provide a workforce that caters the mental health needs of South Australians. As a group, they have determined their priorities that are their basis in their budget allocation, the creation of policies and rules and the focus of their work.
One of their priorities is to create a vibrant city with a safe neighbourhood and community and then cater all the other needs of every South Australian like premium wine and food, as well as an affordable place to live in. They have different targets on their projects, and they are responsible in making follow ups. To find out more, visit their website at
22. Open Minds
Open Minds believes in working hand in hand to achieve mental health and overall well-being. They offered personalized and tailored mental health services that are focused on the individual needs of every individual who is receiving care that includes shelter, a source of income, health and lifestyle.
They are partly funded by donations, helping them create a positive change in their clients and communities. They are also in partnership with Headspace and Partners in Recovery organisation. Open Minds has been around since 1912 and was first established in Queensland Wattle League. They are committed to helping an individual achieve recovery from mental illness. To find out more, visit their website at
23. Orygen Specialist Program
Orygen Specialist Program (previously Orygen Youth Health) is the leading mental health organisation based in Melbourne, Australia. They focused on early intervention and detection in young people from ages 15 to 25 years old. Orygen is an Australian centre for the youth’s mental health and strives to deliver quality services and cutting-edge research and ensures improvement in the care and treatments given to those who are affected with mental illness.
The organisation started as a small research unit attached to a mental health facility in Melbourne. As time went by, they expanded and implemented a more youth-focused approach, giving care to young people who have major mental health illness like depression. To find out more, visit their website at
24. Relationships Australia 
Relationships Australia is a leading provider of relationship support services for individuals, families and communities. The organisation’s goal is to support all people in Australia to achieve positive and respectful relationships.
Relationships Australia is a community-based, not-for-profit Australian organisation with no religious affiliations. Services are available to all members of the community, regardless of religious belief, age, gender, sexual orientation, lifestyle choice, cultural background or economic circumstances. The support available includes counselling, family dispute resolution, mediation and a range of family and community support and education programs. To find out more, visit their website at
25. Community Mental Health Australia
Community Mental Health Australia (CMHA) is a coalition of the eight peak community mental health organisations from each State and Territory.
- Mental Health Coordinating Council NSW
- Mental Health Victoria
- Mental Health Coalition of South Australia
- Mental Health Community Coalition of the ACT
- Mental Health Council of Tasmania
- Northern Territory Mental Health Coalition
- Queensland Alliance for Mental Health
- Western Australian Association for Mental Health
CMHA was established to provide leadership and direction to promote the importance and benefits of community mental health and recovery services across Australia. CMHA provides a unified voice for over 800 community-based, non-government organisations who work with mental health consumers and carers across the nation and who are members of, or affiliated with, the various coalition members. To find out more, visit their website at
26. LGBTIQ+ Health Australia 
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia is a national health organisation providing health-related programs, services and research for organisations and individuals that focuses on the LGBTIQ+ community and their mental health.
The primary goal of the organisation is to improve the health of LGBTIQ+ communities by first recognising that people’s genders, bodies, relationships and sexualities affect their health and wellbeing in every aspect of their life. They aim to provide accurate information through research, advocating for LGBTIQ+ communities and empowering individuals to become free from stigma and discrimination. To find out more, visit their website at
27. BEING – Mental Health Consumers 
Previously known as the NSW Consumer Advisory Group (NSW CAG), BEING – Mental Health Consumers is an organisation that aims to ensure that decision makers, service providers and communities hear the voices of individuals living with mental health issues. They do not offer individual advice, but they influence the decisions of state governments impacting individual’s experience with mental health services.
BEING are a consumer-led organisation that work in the policy making and advocacy, workplace training, representation, research and governance development spaces helping people with mental health issues to engage as valued members in the communities they choose without stigma or discrimination. To find out more go to
28. Healing Foundation 
The Healing Foundation is a national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation providing a platform for Stolen Generations survivors and their families to tell their stories and take charge of their own healing.
Healing Foundation is governed by a First Nations board and Executive and therefore they are able to promote trauma-aware healing-informed practices to governments, policy makers and workforces to help with intergenerational healing. They have funded over 175 community projects, supported 45,000 people in their healing journey and have healing projects and support groups around Australia. Find out more about this amazing organisation at
29. ACON 
ACON is a health promotion organisation based on New South Wales, which specialises in the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases like HIV. They also cater to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex health issues.
ACON is primarily supported by the New South Wales government, the ministry of health and collaborates with the governments HIV strategy. The organisation imparts knowledge for the community to understand the real situation that is happening to these people, which enables them to render the proper and fair treatment that the affected people deserve. To find out more, visit their website at
30. Twenty10 inc GLCS NSW 
This is a community-based organisation that works with and supports individuals that are suffering from mental illness in LGBTIQA+ communities. They aim to be a place of refuge and source of strength in providing overall support to people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and gender diverse, intersex, questioning, queer, asexual and more.
The organisation is Sydney based and works throughout NSW to provide a broad range of services from housing, mental health, counselling and social support. They also provide training and consultation to workplaces and organisations across all sectors to promote inclusivity in these spaces. To find out more, visit their website at
Thank you so much for making it to the end of our list of the 30 top mental health organisations in Australia.
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Thank you Sue, we have updated the article.