The concept of attraction can be quite confusing. Usually, when we talk of attraction, we think of it in the sexual or romantic context but, attraction is much more than that. Attraction can manifest in a variety of ways, from physical chemistry to emotional connection, and can be experienced by individuals of any gender or sexual orientation. Understanding the different types of attraction can help us navigate our relationships and better comprehend our own feelings towards others.

Follow this article, as we will be discussing some of the different types of attraction and what they can tell us about ourselves and the people we are drawn to.

To start off, let’s define attraction.

Attraction refers to the psychological and emotional inclination towards another person that involves a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors.

Biologically, attraction can be influenced by hormones such as testosterone and estrogen, which can affect feelings of desire and pleasure while psychologically, attraction can be influenced by personality traits, such as confidence, humor, and kindness, as well as by shared interests and values.

Attraction can either have positive and negative effects on you. On the one hand, healthy attraction can be a source of happiness, emotional connection and can help you form healthy relationships and foster a sense of intimacy and belonging. On the other hand, unhealthy attraction can lead to codependency, obsession, and emotional distress.

What Causes Attraction?

The question now is, why are humans attracted to each other. What factors or reasons drive us to be attracted to one another. Well, the answer to that can be found in science.

Hormones are chemicals produced by the body that can influence our behavior and feelings. In attraction, hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, and oxytocin have been shown to play a role. Men with higher levels of testosterone, for example, may get more attracted to women with more feminine facial features, while women with higher levels of estrogen may be more attracted to men with more masculine features. Oxytocin also known as the “love hormone” due to it’s role of promoting bonding and attachment between individuals.

Genetics is also thought to be a factor in attraction. Research suggests that we are more likely to be attracted to people who share similar genetic traits, such as the same HLA genes. These genes play a role in our immune system, and choosing a partner with a different set of HLA genes may increase the genetic diversity of offspring and promote better immune function. Additionally, our physical appearance is influenced by our genetics, which can affect our attractiveness to others.

Pheromones are chemical signals that are produced by the body. These chemicals can influence the attraction and mating behavior of others of the same species. Currently, the exact role pheromones play in the process of human attraction isn’t fully understood yet by scientists. Research suggesrs that some specific pheromones released by the animal can increase the level of attraction and sexual interest. For example, it’s been discovered that women are more attracted to the scent of men who have different immune system genes than their own, potentially as a way of maximizing genetic diversity in offspring.

Different Types of Attraction

Now, let’s explore the major types of attraction humans can exhibit.

Physical Attraction

Physical attraction refers to an individual’s attraction to the physical appearance of another person. It is often the initial factor that draws people to each other, as physical appearance is the first thing that is noticed in a potential partner. Physical attraction can be influenced by a variety of factors, including facial symmetry, body shape, height, and other physical traits.

Research has shown that people generally find individuals who are perceived as physically attractive to be more likable and socially desirable, which can impact their overall attractiveness to others. Physical attraction can also play a role in the development of romantic relationships

Romantic Attraction

Romantic attraction or love attraction is an emotional and psychological attraction that one feels towards another person. Unlike physical attraction, it is based on factors such as shared interests, values, and personality traits. It usually involves a profound emotional bond and a desire for both physical and emotional intimacy. This can result in sensual attraction too.

Various factors such as past experiences, cultural norms, and personal preferences can affect romantic attraction, and it can eventually lead to the development of a romantic relationship. Romantic attraction is a crucial element of human relationships and can contribute to feelings of satisfaction, happiness, and overall well-being.

Aesthetic Attraction

Aesthetic attraction refers to an individual’s attraction to the beauty or pleasing appearance of another person, object, or environment. It is not based on sexual desire or romantic interest, but rather an appreciation of the visual or sensory appeal. Aesthetic attraction can be influenced by a variety of factors, including cultural norms, personal preferences, and past experiences. It can also be experienced towards oneself, such as through the pursuit of personal style or beauty rituals.

Aesthetic attraction can contribute to feelings of happiness, pleasure, and overall well-being, as it allows individuals to appreciate the beauty and artistry of the world around them.

Emotional Attraction

Emotional attraction is a sensation of bonding or attraction that one may feel towards another person based on their personality, behavior, and emotional qualities. It is a profound type of attraction that does not stem from physical appearance or sexual desire, but from a sincere interest in another person’s mental and emotional traits.

Emotional attraction can grow and deepen over time, often influenced by shared experiences, mutual interests, and understanding. It is a vital aspect of close relationships, whether in friendships or romantic relationships, as it fosters intimacy, trust, and emotional support.

Intellectual Attraction

Intellectual attraction is an attraction based on one’s admiration and interest in another person’s intellect, intelligence, and knowledge. It is a type of attraction that transcends physical appearance or emotional bonding and focuses more on a person’s mental qualities. Intellectual attraction can manifest towards a person’s ideas, insights, and intelligence, and frequently involves engaging in deep conversations or sharing intellectual interests.

Factors such as education, interests, and experiences can influence intellectual attraction. Intellectual attraction holds significance for many individuals, notably those who value intelligence and knowledge, and can lead to long-term friendships or romantic relationships.

How Someone Can Be Emotionally Attracted But Not Sexually?

Emotional attraction and sexual attraction are often thought of as going hand in hand. After all, a strong connection with someone can lead to intense physical and sexual chemistry, and vice versa. However, it is entirely possible to feel emotionally attracted to someone without feeling sexually attracted to them. This type of attraction can be confusing or even distressing, especially if the other person assumes that the emotional bond necessarily implies a physical one.

Understanding the differences between emotional and sexual attraction can help individuals navigate their relationships and build stronger, healthier connections with others. So can we get emotionally attracted but not sexually? As we’ve previously explained, emotional attraction is the feeling of being drawn to someone based on their personality, values, interests, or other non-physical characteristics. This can manifest in a desire to spend time with the person, a sense of comfort and safety in their presence, or a feeling of deep empathy or understanding. On the other hand, sexual attraction refers to the desire to make sexual contact or showing sexual interest in another person based on their physical appearance or sexual characteristics.

The Need To Understand How Attraction Works

Understanding attraction is crucial for individuals seeking to establish healthy and fulfilling relationships with others. Attraction is a multifaceted phenomenon that involves numerous factors, including physical appearance, personality, shared interests, and chemistry. By understanding attraction, individuals can gain insight into their relationships, encompassing romantic relationships, friendships, and professional relationships.

Moreover, comprehending attraction can aid individuals in developing better self-awareness and improving their interpersonal skills. By acknowledging their own preferences and biases in attraction, individuals can strive to create more satisfying relationships. Additionally, understanding attraction can help individuals navigate the challenges encountered while pursuing relationships with others. By recognizing different forms of attraction, such as physical, emotional, and intellectual, individuals can better grasp their own emotions and the emotions of others.


Understanding what causes attraction is pivotal for individuals seeking to develop positive and significant relationships. By acquiring a comprehensive understanding of the various factors that contribute to attraction and acknowledging their own inclinations and prejudices, individuals can enhance their interpersonal abilities, communicate more effectively, and foster stronger relationships with others.

This can help individuals cultivate positive and meaningful relationships, leading to greater happiness, fulfillment, and wellbeing in their personal and social lives. Ultimately, understanding our attraction motivations can lead to greater happiness, fulfillment, and wellbeing in our personal and social lives. It is very essential to take the time to reflect on our attraction patterns and motivations, in order to cultivate positive and meaningful relationships with others.