Of recent, social media use has become an everyday part of the daily lives of millions of people worldwide. With just a few taps on a smartphone or clicks on a computer, users can gain access to a vast amount of information, enjoy entertaining content, and even make social connections in a manner that was once unimaginable. However, as the use of social media has increased , so too have concerns about the risks it may pose in society increased.

One of the most pressing concerns surrounding social media use is the possibility of addiction. For many users, social media has become a constant presence in their lives, with people checking their profiles multiple times a day, responding to notifications and messages, and scrolling through news feeds for hours on end. This behavior can have a number of negative effects, from reduced productivity and impaired social skills to increased stress and anxiety.

Despite these concerns, social media addiction is still a relatively new concept, and there is much that researchers and the public alike still do not know about its causes and consequences. Some experts argue that social media addiction is a genuine psychological disorder, while others believe that it is simply a manifestation of broader behavioral patterns that have always existed.

In this article, we will explore the issue of social media addiction in depth, examining the latest research on its causes, effects, and potential treatments. We will also explore some of the broader social and cultural factors that contribute to the rise of social media addiction, as well as the ways in which individuals and society as a whole can work to mitigate its harmful effects.

What Is Social Media Addiction?

Addiction to social media is a problem that affects people of all ages, from teenagers to middle-aged adults. This addiction is characterized by excessive and compulsive use of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat and other social media platforms, which can negatively impact one’s life in various ways.

Social media addiction is a behavioral addiction often caused by the dopamine-inducing social environment that social networking sites provide. These platforms are designed to keep users engaged, and studies have shown that the constant stream of likes, retweets, and shares triggers the same chemical reaction in the brain that is seen with drugs like cocaine. The dopamine rush that users feel when they receive positive feedback on their posts or messages can lead to compulsive and excessive use of these platforms, which can interfere with other important areas of their lives.

Some experts believe that as much as 10% of individuals in the United States of America are addicted to social media but with the prevalence of social media sites this number may be much higher. One of the reasons social media addiction is so prevalent is because social media is an easily accessible form of entertainment and communication. Many people use social media to connect with friends and family, share information, and stay up-to-date on current events. However, it’s important to recognize that social media can have negative effects on mental health, including increased feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression.

Social Media Addiction Effects

While frequent social media usage does not necessarily indicate addiction judging from the Social media statistics in Australia the majority who use social media as much as 73.8% using Facebook, with there been 55.50% using instagram and 41.5% using tiktok. There may not always be negative implications for an individual’s mental health or academic performance but, the overconsumption and overuse of social media to the point of been uncontrollable and compulsive can result in negative consequences on an individual’s mental health.

One major social media addiction effect is low self esteem. While scrolling through social media like Instagram and Tiktok, we are bombarded with content that shows only the glorious part of the lives of the creators. These kinds of contents can result in the viewer comparing their lives with the seemingly perfect lives of the creators, resulting in low self confidence and self esteem.

Another effect of overuse of social media is social anxiety. While scrolling through social media, users may see videos or images of events and parties they were not invited to or were not able to attend due to work or school. This can result in the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) in which someone experiences anxiety or fear over missing an event. This causes the individual to compulsively check their platforms to ensure they aren’t missing out on anything, which could cause problems at their place of work or in the classroom.

Some other negative effects social media addiction can have include:

  • disrupted sleep patterns, especially with use social media before sleeping.
  • Reduced levels of physical activity
  • Poor performance at work or work low grades
  • High levels of isolation and loneliness

Causes of Social Media Addiction

The cause of social media addiction can be traced back to the effectof dopamine, a neurotransmitter and hormone that’s responsible for the body’s pleasure and reward regulation. To put it simply, dopamine is what makes us feel good when we do something we like.

So, what does dopamine have to do with social media addiction? Well, any time an individual uses social media, the dopamine levels increase and activates the reward center in the brain. This results in a pleasurable feeling and serves as positive as the brain identifies social media as rewarding and something that should be repeated.

This feeling may come about when your post gets comments or is retweeted. With repeated and unregulated use of social media, this feeling will only grow stronger as your brain keeps getting flooded with the pleasure hormone — dopamine.

The brain gets caught in a dopamine seeking loop making the individual go back to social media for the hit it needs. This loop results in addictive behavior for the individual to social media. This activity is similar to that observed in other addictions.

Social Media Addiction Symptoms

It can be difficult to recognize whether you are addicted to social media or it’s just something you enjoy doing and have under control but, it is important to note some symptoms common to individuals

with social media addiction. Here are some common social media addiction symptoms to look out for:

  1. Excessive use: If you are spending a ridiculously large amount of time on social media, to the point where it interferes with daily life and responsibilities, you might be addicted.
  2. Preoccupation: If you find yourself constantly thinking about social media, checking for notifications, or planning the next post you may be addicted.
  3. Withdrawal symptoms: If you get anxious, irritable, or depressed when unable to access social media or when taking a break from it you may be addicted.
  4. Neglecting personal life: neglecting real-life relationships, responsibilities, and hobbies in favor of social media use.
  5. Tolerance: needing to spend more time on social media or engage in more extreme behaviors (such as posting controversial content) to achieve the same level of pleasure.
  6. Loss of control: being unable to limit or stop social media use despite the negative consequences.

How To Stop Social Media Addiction?

Overcoming social media addiction requires intentional effort and a willingness to make changes in social media habits. With time and consistent practice, you can decrease social media addiction and improve overall mental health.

Here’s how to stop social media addiction starting today:

  1. Set boundaries: Establish limits on the amount of time spent on social media each day. Consider using apps that track screen time and limit usage, or set a timer to limit the time you are spending on social media.
  2. Limit access: Turn off your personal phone during certain activities, such as work, school, meals, and recreational activities. Additionally, leave your phone, tablet, and computer out of your bedroom, and make it a point to connect with your friends and family in person when possible.
  3. Engage in other activities: Find alternative activities that can provide pleasure and fulfillment, such as hobbies, exercise, or spending time with friends and family.
  4. Take breaks: Take regular breaks from social media, such as a social media detox for a set period of time. This can help reset the brain and decrease the desire to use social media compulsively.

That is it, that is how to avoid social media addiction.


While social media can provide many benefits, it can also have negative impacts on mental health, relationships, and overall well-being. The dopamine hit that social media provides can lead to compulsive behaviors and make it difficult for individuals to control their usage.

However, by recognizing the signs and symptoms of social media addiction, and implementing strategies to decrease its impact, it is possible to overcome this addiction and improve overall mental health. From setting boundaries and taking breaks, to practicing mindfulness and seeking support, there are many effective ways to manage social media use and achieve a healthier balance in life.

By being mindful of our social media use and developing healthy habits, we can all enjoy the benefits of social media without falling prey to addiction. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to take control of their usage and prioritize their well-being over the temporary pleasures of social media.