Bedwetting, or “nocturnal enuresis”, is surprisingly common. The American Academy of Pediatrics estimates that 20% of 5 year olds are bedwetters, as are 10% of 6 year olds. Thankfully, most children grow out of it in time. What many parents don’t know is that bedwetting has a hereditary component, so a child may well stop…

As something of a latecomer to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of psychiatric disorders, Body Dysmorphic Disorder  (BDD) is not as well understood as it should be. Sufferers become obsessed with one or more perceived body flaws. This obsession can become so strong that it interferes with regular daily life, and very often co-occurs with…

Everyone remembers the grumpy Eeyore character from the Winnie the Pooh stories – permanently pessimistic and negative no matter what adventure happened to be going on. If cartoon characters could be diagnosed, Eeyore would probably have some form of depression, maybe even the “milder” form of depression, Dysthymia. What is dysthymia? Dysthymia is a very…

Say “learning disorder” and most people will immediately think of dyslexia. However, the brain can have difficulty receiving, processing and responding to all kinds of information and this can affect performance in the areas of writing, arithmetic, listening, speaking or spelling as well as reading. Here are the most common misconceptions about what learning disorders…

So, you want to get plastic surgery. You’ve probably done your homework and researched the procedure you’re interested in, found reputable surgeons in your area and read about what to expect. But unfortunately people who are considering surgery are seldom encouraged to also explore their psychological motivations for seeking it out. It can be a…

Sleeping is like a reset button between days. Sleeping gives the body and mind time to unplug and recharge, so the next day can be tackled anew. If you’re not sleeping well, your sense of well being can deteriorate very quickly. Without adequate sleep, most people are irritable, less alert and even more prone to…

Have you heard of somatic psychotherapy? It’s a big name for a gentle and respectful therapeutic approach that is helpful for healing your mind, body and soul. Australia Counselling member Michael Muir is a Sydney somatic psychotherapist who is passionate about including the body in his work with his clients. He has helped countless clients…

As the search for the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 continues with no indication as to where it is or what happened to the 239 passengers and crew, the world is fascinated with this intriguing event that has aviation experts puzzled and no answers in sight. While there are no answers at this time despite…

Larry Cappel is a  licensed psychotherapist and clinical counsellor in Denver, Colorado in the United States, who specialises in working with gay men and the issues they struggle with. Larry is a certified teacher of mindfulness and meditation and has a passion for working with gay men  and the issues  that prevent them from living rich and…