This article is by Australia Counselling member Lauren Sokolski. There are times when we all feel anxious.  For example, starting something new, like school or a job, often makes people anxious.  You don’t know exactly what to expect and may be anxious about how you will perform or come across to your peers and colleagues.…

A new study conducted by the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and the Naval Health Research Centre published in the July, 2013 issue of the journal SLEEP showed that military personnel who suffered from insomnia prior to deployment had a much greater chance of returning home with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety…

Beyond Blue has launched a landmark national awareness campaign to help Australians recognise the most common  symptoms of anxiety conditions. They recently released a clip last week called I Am Anxiety starring actor Australian-born and internationally acclaimed Ben Mendelsohn to help raise awareness about the symptoms of anxiety and to let people know that help is available. Ben Mendelsohn who…

The Gillard Government and beyondblue have teamed up in an unconventional new mental health campaign called “Man Therapy” designed to battle depression and anxiety in Aussie men. Minister for Mental Health Mark Butler launched the humorous campaign alongside beyondblue Chairman Jeff Kennett, both of whom were overshadowed by the cult figure of Dr Brian Ironwood…

Agoraphobia is a kind of anxiety disorder where the sufferer is afraid of leaving a place that they consider safe. Any attempts of leaving that place will result in a panic attack. Agoraphobia is often mistakenly thought to be a fear of open spaces, but this is a myth. Some sufferers have shared experiences where…

Are you scared of going out in the public? Do you feel self-conscious in public places and imagine that everyone around you is scrutinising your every single move? Are you terrified of speaking up in front of a crowd? If you are nodding in the affirmative the condition that you are most likely suffering from…

For most of us double-checking bolted doors and unplugged irons might be a part of a routine habit, but there are individuals who find it difficult to resist the temptation to perform such actions repeatedly and uncontrollably. They will wash their hands to rid of germs till their skin is sore and chapped. Some arrange…

Have you ever started stammering while drenched in sweat when you step in the limelight in front of an audience? Have you ever shrieked and climbed up on to the nearest furniture when a mouse wobbled past you? Do needles ever make you feel faint? If you answered in the affirmative then you may suffer…

Panic attacks refer to episodes or periods of sudden and intense fear or dread, often accompanied by extreme anxiety. Sometimes the immediate cause – like a very distressing situation – is recognised , but at other times a panic attack seems to strike from out of nowhere. Panic attacks may be experienced by anyone, with…