Awareness of emotional abuse has thankfully risen over the last few decades, and today people  understand that you don’t have to resort to physical violence to abuse someone. Unfortunately, emotional abuse is much trickier to pin down than physical abuse. While a black eye or a broken arm count as undeniable evidence of physical abuse,…

A person may not have a bruise on their arm, a fractured rib or a black eye, but that doesn’t mean that they are not the victim of abuse. There are ways in which people can be abused within a relationship without the involvement of physical violence. In such cases, the person’s emotional well-being takes…

If you grew up in an era before the internet began to play such a crucial role in people’s everyday lives, you may think of bullying as something that merely happens on the playground. Unfortunately, bullying in today’s hyper-connected world has taken on proportions that many parents simply can’t comprehend. Aggression, threats and hostile behaviour…

Like other forms of abuse, physical abuse occurs when a perpetrator causes deliberate bodily harm to a victim, through hitting, slapping, and punching or even exposure to extreme cold or sleep deprivation. In the worst cases, physical abuse culminates in actual homicide, with the WHO reporting that intimate partners commit almost 40% of homicides against…

1 in every 5 Australian women and 1 in every 20 Australian men have become a victim to the curse of sexual abuse according to statistics. Surprisingly enough 93% of these offenders are male and most of them have received an average of only 5 years of custodial sentence. Child sexual abuse has crept into…