Some would argue that in today’s hypersexual world, the idea that someone would legitimately have minimal or no interest in sex at all is more than a little suspicious. While activists have fought for respect and recognition for people all along the gender and sexuality spectrum, even the most liberal among us may feel that…

Millions of Australian men are letting friendships fall by the wayside and becoming increasingly isolated once they reach their 30s, an Australian-first study has found. The Men’s Social Connectedness report, funded by beyondblue with donations from The Movember Foundation, reveals the extent of loneliness and disconnection among men in their middle years. It found that…

One of the best things you can do if you have difficulties with anxiety is to learn as much as you can about it. Whether it’s panic disorder, a specific phobia or generalised anxiety, the more you understand about your experience, the better you’ll be able to manage it. Lifestyle Changes Sometimes, small changes to…

Immediate and practical support is available for communities affected by the South Australian bushfires, beyondblue CEO Georgie Harman said today, as people face continued threats to their homes and local areas. An easy-to-use information card and booklet continuing advice for anyone dealing with the emotional impact of a natural disaster are both available to download…

Stress has a bad reputation. Even in ideal circumstances, completely eradicating stress from your life is not possible – nor should you try. Stress is an important way for our bodies to communicate to us what our limits are. In the past, a fight or flight response helped humans flee dangerous situations or defend themselves.…

If you grew up in an era before the internet began to play such a crucial role in people’s everyday lives, you may think of bullying as something that merely happens on the playground. Unfortunately, bullying in today’s hyper-connected world has taken on proportions that many parents simply can’t comprehend. Aggression, threats and hostile behaviour…

The NSW Mental Health Commissioner, John Feneley, welcomed the NSW Government’s commitment to a new direction for mental health services in NSW and $115 million in new funding to a series of important mental health initiatives, saying the investment demonstrated the Government had listened to people who live with mental illness and their families and…

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a complex disorder experienced by 2-6% of the population. BPD is often misunderstood by the public and many mental health professionals. People with Borderline have ongoing difficulty relating to other people and to the world around them. This can be very distressing for the person and for those who care for…

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