What is excoriation? It is not uncommon for people to pick at scabs or bumps on their skins from time to time but for some people, this picking can become very chronic. Picking the skin frequently can irritate existing sores and can even cause new sores to form which can lead to additional scabbing and…

What is histrionic personality disorder? The word “histrionic” means theatrical and it is a mental health disorder that is marked by the instability of emotions, a distortion in self-image, and the intense and overwhelming desire to be noticed by everyone. People with this disorder are often very dramatic and act inappropriately just to get attention.…

What is narcissism? Narcissism is a mental condition characterized by an exaggerated and excessive sense of self-importance and a constant preoccupation with one’s needs alone with little to no regard for others. People with this disorder are known as narcissists and they feel superior and more important than others because of the façade of self-worth…

What is fear? It is one of the seven feelings that everyone can experience. When one perceives injury to their bodily, emotional, or psychological well-being, it manifests. It is possible for the harm to be imagined or genuine. Difference between fear and anxiety Fear is a reaction to flee from specific or dangerous situations while…

What is hoarding disorder? This is a medical condition caused by hoarding. It is common in adults and can occur in teenagers. This condition can be caused by many reasons. People who hoard items generally believe in the value of the item(s) being collected over time. This is not usually true and as these items…

What is anger? Anger is an intense emotion felt toward a person or yourself in a situation whereby you have been deliberately wronged by them. It gives room for the expression of other negative emotions and sometimes, aggressive behavior. Anger is a normal response to unfair situations. However, when it becomes excessive, the person is…

Indications of mental instability Not all of these symptoms are present in every case of mental instability, which is crucial to keep in mind given that there are many disorders linked to this condition. Each person’s symptoms seem different as well. Typical indications of mental instability include: Constant mood swings: when a person is constantly…

SOCIOPATH SYMPTOMS Symptoms of ASPD (Antisocial Personality disorder) may include. Anger and hostility: They are generally discontent with everything around them. 2. Exhibition of antisocial behaviors: Disrespect, recklessness and lack of empathy are symptoms of being a sociopath. They can also withdraw from people and reality completely. 3. High criminal tendencies: Sociopaths participate in dangerous…

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares, and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event. Most people who go through traumatic events may have temporary difficulty adjusting and coping, but they usually get…

Irritability involves feelings of anger or frustration that often arise over even the smallest of things. While irritability can be usual and everyone experiences it occasionally, it may also indicate an underlying condition. Even though occasional irritability is regular, constant irritability can adversely affect our relationships and daily experiences. Continually snapping at friends after the…