Australia Counselling is Australia’s leading directory for finding a registered counsellor, psychotherapist or psychologist and is regularly quoted in the media on a broad range of topics related to mental health and wellbeing.

Australia Counselling has over 200 members who have a broad range of counselling and psychotherapy experience and specialise in many different areas of mental health, psychology and wellness. We can connect you quickly with a member who can provide you with leading edge research and expert comments on any number of psychology issues. A number of our members have had media training and are skilled at speaking to journalists on radio and television.

Contact us for expert commentary on mental health, psychology issues and wellbeing

If you are writing a story on a mental health, wellbeing or relationship issue and are seeking expert commentary, please contact us so that we may put you in touch with one of our experts.

You can contact us a number of ways:

  1. Call (02) 8006 1149
  2. Click here to send us an email
  3. Fill out the contact form below



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